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Abacus Level 7

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Children can learn numbers in a variety of methods. Your child may learn basic math concepts like counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and even division using an abacus.


This level includes CUBES in addition to the concepts of Plus/Minus, Multiplication, Division, Square, Bodmas, Decimals, and percentage (%) that were covered in Online Abacus Level 7. It can divide four-digit numbers by one-digit numbers, multiply four-digit numbers by three-digit numbers, and divide triple- and four-digit values into decimals.


A particular focus on mental math is also present. It aids in a child’s overall brain development. Only pupils who have completed the first seven levels of abacus study should go to this level.

Abacus is a tool used for calculation, and it is being taught in many schools all around the world. It’s also used for studying mental arithmetic.

The best way to learn math

If you are looking for a new learning frame, or want to develop your mental mathematics skills, then Abacus is the best way. You will be able to solve complex problems in minutes by using abacus.

Boost your math skills today

Abacus has been used in many schools and proved to be an excellent tool for developing mental arithmetic skills. It has been found that children who have been learning abacus earlier would excel in mathematics and excel over others.


The Competitors Level; (Level 7)


  • Calculation and writing speed both peak at this point.
  • Division sums present fresh difficulties.
  • Overall, listening, visualizing, and concentration skills become stronger.
  • The pupils would acquire highly specialized skills, which could then be honed and developed into lifelong abilities.


Let's take a look at the details of the Abacus Level 7 course.

Course Level Description Duration
Advance Level 7
1. Higher digits addition
2. Subtraction
3. Multiplication
4. Division
5. Decimals
6. Negative numbers
90 Days
Note: Duration of each session - 1hour, 2 sessions in a week (Terms & Condition Applied )

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    Course Duration

    Our Abacus online course for Kids and Adults is a 3-month learning program. Upon completion of this course, kids can see a drastic improvement in their math calculation speed.

    ​*The student should practice or master the skills at home for at least 10 to 15 minutes each day.

    Certificate of Level Completion

    The Level will be granted once it has been satisfactorily completed and all work in the necessary books has been finished. Finishing the level would take at least three months.


    “Learn Online mental math with Abacus 7th level"
    Our services include activities that help enhance brain development.

    Abacus Flash Card Activity: Abacus flashcards are undoubtedly beneficial to students as they help them to learn and remember things much faster than paper cards. By using digital tools, learners can sharpen their memory & comprehension skills with less effort. Our class is offering a flashcard exercise to add further value.


    Abacus Speed Writing: Speed Writing is gaining prominence as it can help boost focus, memory, and concentration and acquire understanding quickly and easily. It’s seen as an effective way to reach the highest productivity and performance targets. People have discovered that Speed writing can benefit their productivity, as it has a calming and soothing effect. This activity has been gaining traction among those looking to work more efficiently in their day-to-day lives.


    Abacus Puzzle Activity: Kids can have a blast and learn simultaneously with puzzles. It is one of the activities included in our eLearning service. Puzzles even aid in improving problem-solving, memory retention, and thinking skills. They are an excellent tool for teaching more complex ideas like shapes & colours.


    Finger Abacus or Fingering Exercise: We do finger activities in our eLearning class. We can do calculations with our fingers if an abacus tool isn’t available. We can only do calculations up to two digits using this method. The finger abacus helps to speed up math calculations.


    Abacus Mental Calculation: In our classes, we teach Mental math calculation using the Abacus system, which doesn’t involve any physical abacus but only mental visualisation. This results in faster and more accurate calculations.


    Listening Activity: Through our class, we focus on teaching listening skills which help to promote mindful thinking. This can prove beneficial in reducing anxiety & amdepression among students.


    Whether you’re curious about features, a free trial, or even press, we’re here to answer any questions.

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